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Upasama Prakarana


Suraghu's knowledge about the bludgeon


  1. -4 You are indeed an enlightened person. You have attained that supreme state. you are with a cool and tranquil inside. You are shining like full moon. You are the perfect retreat of that Laksmi of bliss. You are resplendent like a lotus which is delicate, of soft beauty and cool. You are shining like a vast, and grand ocean which is full with pure waters and which is a playfield of the coastal winds. You are like a ocean of pearls. You are pure, full of joy and happiness with all the clouds of ego shaken off. You are shining like a vast clear and grand cloud in autumn sky.

  1. -8 O king, you look at everything with a steady and healthy perception. You are contended everywhere and with everything. You have no attachment with anything. With your great discrimination, you decide the essential and the nonessential. You know that whatever is manifest is all one. O knower of the beginnings and ends of (of every thing)! You have a transparent and delightful mind. You are free of what comes to you and what does not. Your body is resplendent O beautiful one! You are like an ocean of nectar. You are totally contented in your absolute state.


  1. -17 O sage, there is nothing material. There is nothing to be accepted. Whatever is visible is really 'not'. And so where is the question of accepting or rejecting anything? All considerations of low and high are caused by the division between time and space. Such a division has vanished in my mind long ago. All is because of division between time and space. And so there is no question of blaming or praising. This is the view of wise people. All such emotions arise due to attachment. Attachment arises out of desire. And so a real human being desires only that Absolute state. All that is in the three worlds - women, mountains, oceans, forests, all beings and elements etc - are devoid of essential truth. there is no essence or sense in them. Where is a thing in this world of bones and skeletons which is worthy of any desire? When desire for them vanishes all attachments and jealousies and rejections will disappear. My friend! there is no use of any further verbose discussion. If one's mind resides happily in that calm, peaceful self, that is the best repose. That alone is the best state and perception.


Sri Yoga Vasishtam
Translation by :
Dr. P.N. Murthy