Sri Vasista
O Rama, such is the movement of this sentient mind, the 'citta', the spurious and impure one. It is the seed for all this relativistic world, the binding net for the 'Jiva'.
'Citta' is a mere likeness of Self, which has discarded the essential nature of Self. Such a mind connects itself with a perversion of truth and wears masks of knowledge.
It is a progenitor and increasor of delusion; the cause of all kinds of fears. It is the very form of the poisonous creeper of desire. It leads one to a swoon (of delusion)
Whenever this delusory sentience enters /arises, darkness of desire arrives and causes perverse changes in the Self.
Hari and other great gods may tolerate the heat of the 'pralaya' fires. But no one can tolerate the heat of desire.
The fearful sword of desire is sharp, dark and long. It shreds its own limbs, giving a cold comfort sometime in the future.
O Raghava, all sorrows are the fruits of the infinitely long creeper of desire.
The wild dog of desire hides incognitoin the cave of mind and bites away the flesh and bones of a person.
This desire is like a river in the rainy season. At times it gushes, at times it ebbs in flood. At times it empties (to the level of its bed).
A person struck by greed and desire will exhibit poverty and misery in perceptions. He will have always a wounded heart with loss of energy. He can descend to low levels (of behaviour). He will always act under illusion and develops a cynical nature.
The vital airs of one who does not harbour the most poisonous cobra in his heart will be healthy and clear.
Where the night of greed is not, there merit will accrue like moon light on the white half of a month.
If the tree called 'purusha' is not ridden by the insects called greed, then that tree will shine brightly with flowers called 'dharma'.
The river of greed will be flowing though the troubled forests called hearts of people, blinded by greed.
Greed wheels people around like a bird being revolved in circles by a machine to which it is bound.
The axe of greed cuts to the roots the soft and tender values (of a being) without any consideration or compassion.
A fellow who chases greed will slip into hell like a deer which wants to eat the grass in a well.
Even old age can not blind one's sight with the speed that greed and desire can blind a person.
Even Lord Vishnu became a dwarf because of the owl of desire that had settled in his heart.
Sun is constantly moving around in the sky due to some desire in his heart, provoked by gods.
One should eschew desire and greed like a serpent. It is full of sorrows. In fact it is the very shape of sorrow. It breaks the life of people.
Wind blows because of desire. Hill stays firm due to desire. Earth bears all the species driven by desire. All three worlds are held by desire.
Desire holds together all the three worlds. One can escape from the bondage of a rope. But none can escape the bondage and grip of greed and desire.
And so, O Rama, you give up desire by discarding all wills and volitions. It is already known that there is no mind when there are no wills and volitions.
O Rama of mighty shoulders, cast aside the feelings like 'I and you' Give up all ugly desires which are full of darkness.
O Rama, if you give up such unspiritual feelings and ideas, you shall be counted as one among jnanis.
O auspicious Rama, cut this ego-full desire with the scissors of egolessness. Discard all opulences and superhuman powers and abide in that Supreme state.