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Upasama Prakarana


Words of Virochana


  1. -6 My child, There was once a vast region/ country which could hold millions of triune worlds within its expanse. In that vast region there were no oceans, no mountains, no forests, no holy places, no earth, no sky, no atmosphere no sun, no moon. There were no Indras, Haris and Haras, no beings of any kind or species, no movable or immovable nature, no fire, no quarters, not even heavens, or hells. There was only one being. He was most effulgent. He was everything, in everything. He is the action, every action and work. He was lying in a state of complete silence.

  1. -9 There was a minister, who was killed by him. This minister is open to all deliberations and was ready to accomplish them. He could make possible the impossible. He could break that which was in position. He could not experience /enjoy anything nor does he question anything. He did not know anything. He did everything for the king and at all times. He was the only executor of all decisions and doer of all works. The king lay in comfort all alone.


  1. -12 . O father, where is that country which is free of all kinds of physical and mental illnesses? How did such a condition happen? By whom was such a state attained? Who was that minister who was stronger than his king? Who is that whom even we, who could bring into our hold all the there worlds, can not vanquish? This story is unusual and strange. Please tell me the story and blow away the cloud of doubts in my mind.


  1. -16 . My son, that minister cannot be vanquished even by an army of the size million times larger than ours and that of (present) gods and danavas. Neither Indra of thousand eyes, nor Kubera, nor Yama, nor any god can overwhelm him. All kinds of weapons will get blunted before him. None of the weapons that can subjugate gods and danavas can even approach him.

  1. -22 . Barring Vishnu, all other gods and danava warriors like Hiranyaksha had fallen to him like mountains cracking under the force of the winds at the time of dissolution. He threw even the great Narayana and such into chasms. Cupid is able to seize all the three worlds by five flower arrows, because of his mighty support. Deep anger and resentment which keeps gripping the gods and asuras is extant and virulent in the worlds because of him (this minister). Frequent was between the two groups (gods and asuras) is totally a pastime of this minister : My son, this minister can be vanquished only by his Lord, none else. For all others he is like an invincible mountain.

  1. In course of time, when his Lord feels that he should be vanquished, the Lord then wills so. The minister surrenders without any protest.

  1. If you have that strength to overwhelm that minister, who is the better of the best of all warriors in all the three worlds, you will be a great warrior.

  1. This minister is the sun for the lotuses called the three worlds. When he is bright, the worlds will bloom. When he sets, the worlds will fade away.

  1. O one of good vows, if you can overcome this minister with single minded effort, then you are really a wise and courageous person.

  1. If he is vanquished all worlds present and future will be conquered. Otherwise, whatever countries have been conquered by you can be deemed to be unconquered.

  1. So, for the sake of eternal happiness, attempt to conquer him even if it is difficult.

  1. This minister of immense might has kept all the beings in the three worlds, without exception, in his hold.


Sri Yoga Vasishtam
Translation by :
Dr. P.N. Murthy