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Upasama Prakarana


On the right conduct of life

Sri Vasista

  1. One should increase one's wisdom and knowledge through association with noble and wise people and such, skills and efforts. Then one should attain the sta- tus of a Mahapurusha (great man) acquiring the at- tributes and characteristics of such type.

  1. One should learn from people and acquire the great qualities that each one has and increase thereby one's wisdom.

  1. O Rama, great personality consists of the qualities of coolness, quiet and such. Without integrated holistic knowledge, such qualities are not possible.

  1. Knowledge, purity and such qualities and attributes in- crease in a praiseworthy manner like the growth of seed lings when rains wet the soil.

  1. -6 Extraordinary knowledge increases through the quali- ties of peace and such. It is like the yield of crops through rains caused by the performance of sacrifices in which rice is fed. Like lotuses and lake which beautify each other, the qualities of purity, peace and such and knowl- edge increase mutually.

  1. -8 Similarly knowledge and the traditions and behavior of good people increase each other. These should be practised by studying the ways (and life stories) of good people.

  1. Unless these two are practised together, not even one of these can be accomplished.

  1. -11 . A girl, who is charged with protecting the grain harvest in a field sings songs keeping rhythm with clapping hands and thus scares the birds away. Similarly a wise man of knowledge achieves the Supreme state by en- gaging in wordly activities in a detached manner.

  1. Thus the system of good tradition and behavior has been told to you. Now the system of knowledge will also be taught to you.

  1. This knowledge is an increaser of life span, fame and leads to the accomplishment of all human objectives. This verily should be heard and learnt from a wise and friendly person.

  1. Hearing this your mind will be cleansed and purified which can lead to the gain of the Supreme State. It is like the `chilla' seed purifying muddy water.

  1. Once this knowledge is gained the mind of sage gets into ecstacy and attains that highest and perfect holis- tic state which will persist. It will never leave the per- son.


Sri Yoga Vasishtam
Translation by :
Dr. P.N. Murthy