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Vairagya Prakarana


(Rama's) Contempt for wealth

Sri Rama

  1. -3. O Sage, people are infatuated by this illusionary worldly wealth. Even so, it is the most useless thing. (This wealth) causes immense joy. Like bellowing and surging fire, it creates distress.It flows like a large,vast river during the rainy season.(This Lakshmi) has many daughters called worries.These daughters are very ugly. They are very unstable like the waves that rise in a river.

  1. -5. Her feet cannot stay at one place. They flee hither and thither like one whose feet are burnt.This lady of well-proportioned body, generates immense heat (by touch) like a thing which is blackenned by soot coming out of the flame of a lamp, when Lakshmi touches one, it lands one in destruction.

  1. -7. Without any judgement about the qualities of a person, she adopts anyone who approaches her.Her nature is foolish like the nature of a king. Lakshmi will increase by bad deeds only, the way a serpent increases by milk.

  1. People are gentle and nice like a cool dew drop, so long as Lakshmi does not touch them. They become hard as soon as she touches them. The gentleness flies away the way dew drops are blown off by wind.

  2. The way diamonds are blackened by a dirty hand, even men of valour, wise and noble, soft and gentle, will be spoilt by the touch of Lakshmi.

  3. O Bhagavan, Lakshmi does not give happiness.It gives only sorrow. When stashed away, it gives only destruction like poison causing death.

  4. It is impossible to find a wealthy man not blamed by people.It is impossible to find a king, who is unbiased.

  5. This Lakshmi is like a poisonous snake of miseries in the deep caves (of mountains). It is like the wild elephant of dense infatuations on the slopes of Vindhyas.

  6. This Lakshmi is night for the lotus of good deeds.She is moonlight for the white lotus of miseries. She is breeze for the lamp of good attitudes. She is the surging river of desires and sins.

  7. She is the high station and road for the clouds of agitation and perplexity. She is the augmenter of the poison of sorrows.She is the harbinger of error, hesitation and doubt.She is a dreadful female cobra (causing) sorrows.

  8. She is dew on the creeper of detachment. She is the night for the owl of sensual, ugly emotions. She is the fangs of Rahu for Viveka.She is like a moon for the lotus of goodness.

  9. She is colourful and captivating. She trembles like a lightning. She seeks patronage of stupids and fools.

  10. In fickleness, she beats a wild mongoose. She is not of noble lineage.She beats a mirage in deceit.

  11. -19. Like a wave, she never sticks to a place. She quivers like the flame of a lamp. It is difficult to divine her moments.Like a lioness, she destroys the battle-desiring elephants. She is cool like the edge of a sword and seeks patronage of fiery and strong people.

  1. -22. She is acquired and gathered through vices, transgressions and deceit.She is always accompanied by sorrows. What I have found is, that there is only sorrow, not even a little happiness.Driven away, far, she comes back again. She embraces bad people without any shame. Bewitching, she attracts and pulls one's mind and thoughts.Easily acquired, she is fragile and is apt to break in an instant.She is like a flower-laden creeper emerging out of a well with snakes crawling all over.

Sri Yoga Vasishtam
Translation by :
Dr. P.N. Murthy